Monday, November 17, 2008

Sorry for the delay, but some good changes are coming…

I know it has been a few days since I posted, and I would like to apologize. This site however is still in a pre-launch state. I’ve been focusing a lot of my attention to some time consuming tasks, in hopes of creating a successful site and blog. The problem is it did not provide you with any new articles.

Most of the changes have been behind the scenes as in getting some web tools to work. One thing you will probably notice is that I’ve finally got the posts to be expandable. I hope you enjoy this feature. The intention of this was to let viewers see several posts titles with brief descriptions. I’ve also added a new category for “What’s New”. This will be a place to inform you of any upcoming changes. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. I’ve also been working with the colors a bit. I guess my monitor has some issues. When I looked at the site, from another computer, the background was pink. What a shock! I was hoping for more of a parchment or beige color. Well, work will continue, as I am still in search of a template and design which is easy on the eyes, and has the flexibility to provide a quality product. I will probably learning a lot of HTML programming and template building, and I’m looking forward to it.

Things still to do.

· Start an open comment area where we can discuss just about anything. This will probably be a weekly feature. I hope it will fuel up those authors out there.
· Add a newsletter. I promise this will not be some sort of spam or junk, will protect your privacy, and be able to “opt out” of.
· Add and about page. To let readers know a few things about me.
· Add a Google Search bar.

If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the suggestion category.


Anonymous,  November 18, 2008 at 9:03 AM  

I like what you are doing. I have XP on one computer and Vista on another. On XP the background color is acream to beige color and on Vista it is white. The beige is much easier on the eyes. Just thought I would let you know. keep up the good work.

Mike Gill November 18, 2008 at 9:50 AM  

Thank you for the feed back Daisy. I find beige is easier as well. White is just a little too harsh. Please keep looking back. I'm going to try to make it more interesting while easy to read. Suggestions are always welcome. Or if you have expamples you can past the site in your comment.

Thanks again


Anonymous,  November 18, 2008 at 1:06 PM  

The parchment-color background is nice, but consider the very palest gray, if available, in its stead.

Personal views:

I would like to see headings, dates, etc. in cool color. Perhaps aqua/blue hues would be inviting, soothing.

I find that my eyes now go directly to the black print before they discover the warm-color headings,etc.

Just a thought, of course.

Keep blogging, sir.

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