Monday, October 27, 2008

Why Are They Calling The Obama Tax Plan Socialist?

All over the news you here people are referring to Barack Obama and his tax policies as socialist. I have to emphatically say THIS ABSOLUTLY JUST IS NOT TRUE!!!

After all, in his proposed tax policies he says he wants to only (and I quote) “raise the taxes on the wealthy”, “those who are making over $250,000 a year” and, “those who can afford it”. He goes on to say, (which I again quote) he wants to “lower taxes on 95% of Americans”, “especially for those lower and middle income”, “those who are less fortunate”. He wants to “level the playing field”. If these quotes of views are not accurate, can someone please leave me a comment with his correct tax plans.

It are these tax based ideas that are being labeled as socialist. Who are making these totally false accusations? Of course, the right wing capitalist pigs. Everybody knows that socialism is : “a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.”

Now it is true that many of his other proposed regulations and plans (like health care) could be called this, but definitely NOT his tax plan and I can prove it. After all, he wants to take more “from those who can afford it” because they not only have the “ability”, but as Biden said, would be “more patriotic”. He would then “spread the wealth” of these taxes to those “less fortunate”, those who “need” it. Notice the words ability and need. After all this is actually saying “From each according to his ability and to each according to his need”. This famous phrase is actually attributed to Karl Marx in 1875. Marx wrote this in a letter summarizing the principles of communism and the transition from capitalism.

GEES! I really wish they would get this right. It is not socialism; it is based on the theory of Karl Marx and is therefore Marxism.


Anonymous,  October 27, 2008 at 4:59 PM  

Hey another good one. I agree with you whole is marxism. Before you know it we all will sit back and let the other guy do all the work and then where will all this money come from because then we will all be the needed.

Anonymous,  October 27, 2008 at 5:15 PM  

Socialism vs Marxism debate:

The point is that these same statements are made all the time.

Come on, get a grip! Whatever is being said is only a parroting of the ideas proffered by paid scriptwriters.

Can you read a teleprompter?

Okay, you can run for office.

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